aakaar prakaar example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. All bodies have three dimensions (It is, however, that for the eye, can be considered as having no depth 2. All these scenes are carved on abacuses that are inordinately stretched in height while the capitals are of very small dimensions and cube shape 3. All variables in this field are based on the three dimensions or factors 4. At these characters are added to the specific determination, testing the dimensions, shape and dimensions of the boxes, the character sutures and ornamentation 5. Basin dimensions are measured in late pregnancy by vaginal examination

Given are the examples of hindi word aakaar prakaar usage in english sentences. The examples of aakaar prakaar are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., dimensions.

Managing people has two dimensions it implies dealing with employees as individuals with diverse needs and behavior; it also means dealing with individuals as a group of people.

Objective tests have been developed to measure all the dimensions of psychological attributes (e.g., intelligence, aptitude, etc.
Since motivation is highly complex, many researchers have studied about motivation from several dimensions and developed some theories.
rich variety of reading material has been provided to include the literary, cultural and sociological dimensions of texts.
Most other team sports such as hockey and football lay down the dimensions of the playing area.
Most other team sports, such as hockey and football lay down the dimensions of the playing area: cricket does not.
To proceed in this direction, it is important to know the psychological dimensions of poverty and deprivation, and their major causes.
Yet our exploration of the various dimensions of democratic politics has shown us something else as well.
By 700 many regions already possessed distinct geographical dimensions and their own language and cultural characteristics.
These two typical cases illustrate many dimensions of poverty.
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